does the wii support sdhc cards

The Official ModRetro Forums! • View topic - Does the Wii work
21 Jun 2010 Will the Wii support SDHC cards in Rock Band 3? Will we be able to export songs on the Wii ? Details soon. Will Rock Band 2 export require a
Wii 4.0 allows up to 32GB SDHC Cards now // Rock Band®
If you have Wii Menu 4.0 or higher (more info), you can use SDHC Cards with
Does the Wii accept a SDHC Card ?
Technology question: Does the wii support sdhc cards ?
Nintendo Wii Enabled with SDHC Support through System Menu 4.0
11 Mar 2008 Well, does it support SDHC cards yet? I don't have a Wii yet so I can't the wii does not support sdhc cards it only supports regular 2gb
GameSpot Forums - Nintendo Wii - Do SDHC cards work with the wii ????
8 posts - 6 authors - Last post: 27 Jan 2010Post subject: Re: Does the Wii work with SDHC cards ? As far as I am aware the Wii in its unmodified state will only support SD cards
R4DS - R4 Revolution for DS (Nintendo DS Lite blank cartridge
An SD and SDHC* memory card can be used to store Wii -related data such as game To use an SD or SDHC Card , power off the Wii console and open the SD Card SD Card Menu - Enhanced Memory Storage Options ... - Photo - Cached - Similar SD Cards - NintendoType: The Nintendo DSi and Nintendo DSi XL support standard SD cards as well
Homebrew Channel - WiiBrew
19 Nov 2006 Does Wii support SDHC cards ? MMC? Actually, MMC didn't work. We can't 100% confirm it won't take SDHC cards, but given the fact that we're
Wii upgrades to version 4.0, SDHC card support | VG247
28 May 2009 Does the Nintendo Wii game console support SDHC cards ? The Nintendo Wii memory slot initially supports SD cards only, as it was developed
Wii FAQ: answers to your Wii questions -- Engadget
20 Jan 2009 Hi Guys, will the Wii accept SDHC cards ? i.e. more than 2gb? and found that the new homebrew channel adds support for SDHC cards !
Does the wii support SD-HC cards ? - Yahoo! Answers
the company revealed that the Wii will finally get SDHC support (that means Channel to your SD/ SDHC , and the card will show on the Wii's main menu.
Wii to Support SDHC , Not a Hard Drive
10 posts - 4 authors - Last post: 18 May 2009I just purchased a new 32GB SDHC card for my Wii . Rock Band 2 does not support SDHC. your best option for now would be the 4gig
SDHC and High-Speed Cards . - Nintendo Wii Forum
31 Mar 2009 The big news here is the support for high capacity SDHC cards up to 32GB. If you own a Wii , you can download the system update now.
Walkthrough: Wii System Menu 4.0's SD Card Channel | Joystiq
50 posts - 28 authors - Last post: 25 Mar 2009 Support for up to 32GB SDHC cards confirmed. ..... Why does anyone care if you have to have space on your Wii to temp run the games,
Rock Band 3 Lead Designer Dan Teasdale Answers Your Questions
29 Sep 2009 Does the Wii support SDHC? The KGB Agent answer: The Wii doesn't support SDHC cards at this time, but that will probably change soon.
Nintendo Wii and SDHC support
26 Mar 2009 Wii upgrades to version 4.0, SDHC card support . wiipictureb SDHC support , meaning that Nintendo Wii now offers a suitable storage solution: SDHC cards go up to 32Gb. In fact, Blerk: “So does the stata lie or not?
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