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Jul 30, 2006 Contact your system adminstrator or techinacal support for asstiance. NEW TV Tuner Video Capture PCI Card (Philips SAA7130HL chipset) w/
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2 posts - 1 author - Last post: Aug 13, 2008Re: Video OK but no sound with TV Capture Card and Windvr . Posted: 08-13-2008, 07:22 PM. The way I connected mine Zogis 330 TV Tuner Card
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It requires that the host PC have a hardware based TV turner card . .... Input Device: PCI or USB TV tuner with WDM drivers (undocumented: also supports some
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Video OK but no sound with TV Capture Card and Windvr
1 post - 1 authorDoes anyone have this TV tuner and used winDVR with it? How is the sound synch issues? How are the sound synch issues with this card in general?
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Aug 13, 2008 I have installed a Video capture Card with a TV Tuner on an XP Pro system. Intervideo, cannot be reached and I find no support for
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21 posts - 12 authors - Last post: Oct 12, 2008I have a "Smart TV tuner / capture card ", it is pcmcia. version that works with Vista and no support for current version under Vista.
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